NEW ! Organic Honduran Marcala Coffee
[Brazil Origin - Ground Coffee] - Caiim Inc.

NEW ! Organic Honduran Marcala Coffee

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This special organic coffee is grown in the  Marcala region, which is in the west central area of Honduras. This has come to be known for some of the highest quality coffees in that country. Caiim Inc. proudly supports the 1500 growers and members of the Marcala region that brings us the finest tasting notes of caramel, spice,  and brown sugar. With its broad range of flavors and ideal climate,  Caiim's Honduran coffee has flavors and aromas to please every palate. 


Customer Reviews

Based on 27 reviews
Megan Datton
So Fresh!

I'm so glad I came across this on Facebook. I was trying all kinds of coffees until I landed on this search and I'm so glad I did. Ii have gotten so used to it that I literally by a 2pounder every 2 weeks. Big coffee drinker ! Whole Fam loves it at home. - This and the single origin Guatemala are our go-tos.

Aisha B

Really Wow! My first sip felt like I was in a foreign chic high-end cafe - but I'm in my pajamas at home and loving every sip of this. No nasty aftertaste like Starbucks. Smells amazing and the taste is smooth and balanced. I added 3 1/2 spoons to my French press/coffee maker to make it 4. I've measured it out at home in different ways, so I'm sure it's consistent every time.

I definitely agree with the other reviews, Starbucks is gross compared to this. Actually, this is on a whole other level of good - I highly recommend you switch to this if your still having those burnt morning coffees..

Puri S
I love this!!!

This is so much better than Starbucks (burnt tasting) coffee. This is definitely worth it.

Omar T
MashaAllah well done!

Well done ! I found out this owned by a Muslim sister. Mad respect - you have my support. Thanks for getting back to my inquiries on facebook. I will definitely spread with word cause your coffee is amazing in quality and taste.

sdf Vialle

Love it!!!!’ This is my 12th order so far.

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